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This website is a collection page of my geeksites with information about IPv6 and DNSSEC usage in Swedish and other countries.

IPv4 only, do you know it’s 2023 now??

Swedish IPv6 information
ipv6ioffentligsektor.seNew site with IPv6 status of authorities, regions and municipalities
Global IPv6 statistics
Google Facebook Akamai Vyncke

County council and IPv6MunicipalitiesAre you ready for IPv6?
Norwegian municipalitiesDanish municipalities Finlands municipalities 
Iceland municipalitiesAuthoritiesCompanies, registrars etc
ISP and IPv6Disable IPv4 now!Secure IPv6
test-ipv6.seIPv6 in four
Test IPv6 etc.IPv6 Hall of Fame/ShameBroken IPv6

DNSSEC and DNS health

Municipalities Iceland municipalitieseNorwegian municipalities 
Danish municipalities Finlands municipalities Authorities
Test your DNSCounty council

For further information contact: torbjorn dot eklov (a] nordlo dot com